Public classes





Introduction page

Derived from SegmentDisplay

Image based SegmentDisplay to be used in UI.


public enum UIPositionsList of positions of SegmentDisplay inside UI RectTransform.


public UIPositions UIPositionSets or gets position of the segment display inside RectTransform.


public void CheckAndSetParent ()Check whatever this segment display object is child of UI Canvas and tries to set the parent if not.


public enum UIPositions

List of positions of SegmentDisplay inside UI RectTransform.

ItemsFillIgnoringAspectRatioFill whole rect, without keeping aspect ratio.
 UpperLeftSet segment display to upper left corner of RectTransform.
 UpperCenterSet segment display to upper center position of RectTransform.
 UpperRightSet segment display to upper right corner of RectTransform.
 MiddleLeftSet segment display to middle left position of RectTransform.
 MiddleCenterSet segment display to middle center position of RectTransform.
 MiddleRightSet segment display to middle right position of RectTransform.
 LowerLeftSet segment display to lower left corner of RectTransform.
 LowerCenterSet segment display to lower center position of RectTransform.
 LowerRightSet segment display to lower right corner of RectTransform.


public UIPositions UIPosition

Sets or gets position of the segment display inside RectTransform.

ValueOne of the choices from enum UIPositions.


public void CheckAndSetParent ()

Check whatever this segment display object is child of UI Canvas and tries to set the parent if not. If there is no canvas in scene hierarchy, this method will create one. If this object parent is changed, object's scale and anchored position will reset also.

Note that this method is normally used only internally in Unity Editor and there is no need to call this when application is running. If you create new UI-type SegmentDisplay from prefab runtime, rather make sure your scene already contains Canvas and then use normal myUISegmentDisplay.transform.SetParent(myKnownCanvasOrOtherUIElement.transform) method to set parent like with any other UI object.