Public classes





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Derived from MonoBehaviour

Class representing single digit in display. Digit is made from 7, 14 or 16 segments with optional decimal point segment. Or digit may be colon, in which case it have only two segments.


public SingleSegment this [int segmentIndex]Gets reference to certain segment of this digit.


public abstract int BaseSegmentCountGets the base segment count.
public int TotalSegmentCountGets the total number of segments in this digit.


public void Clear ()Clear this digit by setting all segments to off state.
public void Fill ()Fill this digit by setting all segments to on state.
public bool IsApostropheEnabled ()Check whatever this digit have segment for apostrophe.
public bool IsColon ()Check whatever this digit is colon instead of normal digit.
public bool IsDecimalPointEnabled ()Check whatever this digit have segment for decimal point.
public bool IsEmpty ()Check whatever all segments in this digit are in off state.
public bool IsFull ()Check whatever all segments in this digit are in on state.
public void SetApostropheState (bool on)Set apostrophe on or off without changing any other segments.
public bool SetChar (char chr)Set character to this digit.
public void SetColonPointStates (bool lowerOn, bool upperOn)Set colon points on or off.
public void SetDecimalPointState (bool on)Set decimal point on or off without changing any other segments.


public SingleSegment this [int segmentIndex]

Gets reference to certain segment of this digit. Typically there is no need to control segments separately, but instead you can use methods in SegmentDisplay to control whole display, or methods in this class to control content of this single digit.

ParameterssegmentIndexSegment index. If this digit is colon, there's just two segments, segment at index 0 is lower dot and 1 is upper dot.


public abstract int BaseSegmentCount

Gets the base segment count. If this digit is part of seven segment display, this returns 7, etc.

ValueThe base segment count.

public int TotalSegmentCount

Gets the total number of segments in this digit. Segment count depends on display type (7/14/16 segments). If decimal point or apostrophe are enabled, they will add one more segment each. If this digit is colon, there's just two segments.

ValueThe total segment count.


public void Clear ()

Clear this digit by setting all segments to off state.

public void Fill ()

Fill this digit by setting all segments to on state.

public bool IsApostropheEnabled ()

Check whatever this digit have segment for apostrophe.

ReturnsTrue if this digit has apostrophe, false otherwise.

public bool IsColon ()

Check whatever this digit is colon instead of normal digit.

ReturnsTrue if this digit is colon, false otherwise.

public bool IsDecimalPointEnabled ()

Check whatever this digit have segment for decimal point.

ReturnsTrue if this digit has decimal point, false otherwise.

public bool IsEmpty ()

Check whatever all segments in this digit are in off state.

ReturnsTrue if all segments are off, false otherwise.

public bool IsFull ()

Check whatever all segments in this digit are in on state.

ReturnsTrue if all segments are on, false otherwise.

public void SetApostropheState (bool on)

Set apostrophe on or off without changing any other segments. This method doesn't do anything if this digit doesn't have apostrophe enabled.

ParametersonSet on if true, set off if false

public bool SetChar (char chr)

Set character to this digit. Supported characters depends on display style (number of segments).

If this digit is colon: Space will set both segment dots off. Colon and semicolon will set both segment dots on. Period or comma will set only lower segment dot on. Apostrophe will set only upper segment dot on. With any other characters both segment dots will be off and this method returns false.

ParameterschrCharacter to set.

ReturnsTrue if character was supported and was set visible. False if character was unsupported and this digit was set empty.

public void SetColonPointStates (bool lowerOn, bool upperOn)

Set colon points on or off. This method doesn't do anything if this digit isn't colon.

ParameterslowerOnSet lower dot on if true, set off if false.
 upperOnSet upper dot on if true, set off if false.

public void SetDecimalPointState (bool on)

Set decimal point on or off without changing any other segments. This method doesn't do anything if this digit doesn't have decimal point enabled.

ParametersonSet on if true, set off if false