Public classes






Introduction page

Derived from AbsCmdSpeed

Abstract base class for all commands that have content which need to be positioned on display, such as text.


public enum HorPositionsList of possible horizontal positions of the content.
public enum MovementsList of possible movement types.
public enum VerPositionsList of possible vertical positions of the content.


public HorPositions HorPositionSet or get the horizontal position of the content.
public Movements MovementSet or get movement type of the content.
public VerPositions VerPositionSet or get the vertical position of the content.


public enum HorPositions

List of possible horizontal positions of the content. Default is center.

ItemsCenterContent is aligned to center of display.
 LeftContent is aligned to left side of display.
 RightContent is aligned to right side of display.

public enum Movements

List of possible movement types. Default is none, meaning all content will instantly appear on display.

ItemsNoneNot moving, content is set to its location instantly on next update.
 MoveLeftAndStopMove from right to left and stop when wanted horizontal position is reached.
 MoveLeftAndPassMove from right to left and keep moving until content is away from display. Horizontal position have no effect.
 MoveRightAndStopMove from left to right and stop when wanted horizontal position is reached.
 MoveRightAndPassMove from left to right and keep moving until content is away from display. Horizontal position have no effect.
 MoveUpAndStopMove from down to up and stop when wanted vertical position is reached.
 MoveUpAndPassMove from down to up and keep moving until content is away from display. Vertical position have no effect.
 MoveDownAndStopMove from up to down and stop when wanted vertical position is reached.
 MoveDownAndPassMove from up to down and keep moving until content is away from display. Vertical position have no effect.

public enum VerPositions

List of possible vertical positions of the content. Default is middle.

ItemsMiddleContent is aligned to middle of display.
 TopContent is aligned to top of display.
 BottomContent is aligned to bottom of display.


public HorPositions HorPosition

Set or get the horizontal position of the content.

ValueWanted horizontal position, one of the values from enum HorPositions.

public Movements Movement

Set or get movement type of the content.

ValueWanted movement type, one of the values from enum Movements.

public VerPositions VerPosition

Set or get the vertical position of the content.

ValueWanted vertical position, one of the values from enum VerPositions.