Public classes






Introduction page

Derived from DisplayObj

Display where dots are based on actual 3D objects which rotates when turning on and off.


public enum StateChangeStylesDifferent selections how dots are changed when their state changes.


public Vector3 DotSizeSize of single dot.
public int MaterialCountGets or sets the count of materials this display's dots can have.
public Vector3 OffRotationRotation of single dot object when it is turned to off-state.
public Vector3 OnRotationRotation of single dot object when it is turned to on-state.
public int RotationCountGets or sets the count of rotations this display's dots can have.
public StateChangeStyles StateChangeStyleSet or get selection how dots change when their state changes.


public Material GetMaterial (int state)Gets material used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.
public Vector3 GetRotation (int state)Gets rotation used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.
public void SetMaterial (int state, Material material)Sets material used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.
public void SetRotation (int state, Vector3 rotation)Sets rotation used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.


public enum StateChangeStyles

Different selections how dots are changed when their state changes.

ItemsRotateDotRotate dot object to different rotation.
 ChangeDotMaterialChange dot object material.


public Vector3 DotSize

Size of single dot.

ValueSize of single dot as Vector3

public int MaterialCount

Gets or sets the count of materials this display's dots can have. Default and minimum is two materials.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.RotateDot

ValueAmount of different possible material states.

public Vector3 OffRotation

Rotation of single dot object when it is turned to off-state. This have same effect than using SetRotation(0,Vector3) or GetRotation(0,Vector3) methods and is here for backward compatibility.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.ChangeDotMaterial

ValueDot rotation when in off-state.

public Vector3 OnRotation

Rotation of single dot object when it is turned to on-state. This have same effect than using SetRotation(1,Vector3) or GetRotation(1,Vector3) methods and is here for backward compatibility.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.ChangeDotMaterial

ValueDot rotation when in on-state.

public int RotationCount

Gets or sets the count of rotations this display's dots can have. Default and minimum is two rotations.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.ChangeDotMaterial

ValueAmount of different possible rotation states.

public StateChangeStyles StateChangeStyle

Set or get selection how dots change when their state changes.

By default this is StateChangeStyles.RotateDot which means that dots rotate to different rotation when their state changes between on, off or different additional states. When setting this to StateChangeStyles.ChangeDotMaterial, dot material is changed when its state changes.

ValueOne of the choices from enum StateChangeStyles


public Material GetMaterial (int state)

Gets material used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.RotateDot

Parametersstate0 is dot 'off' state, 1 is default 'on' state, 2 and above are additional 'on' states.

ReturnsMaterial used.

public Vector3 GetRotation (int state)

Gets rotation used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.ChangeDotMaterial

Parametersstate0 is dot 'off' state, 1 is default 'on' state, 2 and above are additional 'on' state rotations.

ReturnsRotation used.

public void SetMaterial (int state, Material material)

Sets material used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.RotateDot

Parametersstate0 is dot 'off' state, 1 is default 'on' state, 2 and above are additional 'on' states.
 materialMaterial to use.

public void SetRotation (int state, Vector3 rotation)

Sets rotation used in dot objects when dot state is set to 'state'.

This setting have no effect if StateChangeStyle is set to StateChangeStyles.ChangeDotMaterial

Parametersstate0 is dot 'off' state, 1 is default 'on' state, 2 and above are additional 'on' state rotations.
 rotationRotation to use.