Public classes






Introduction page

Derived from Display

Display where display output is written to texture (Texture2D).


public int ColorCountGets or sets the count of colors this display's dots can have.
public Color OffColorColor of single dots when it is turned to off-state (color 0).
public Color OnColorColor of single dots when it is turned to on-state (color 1).
public Material TargetMaterialGets or sets the target material where texture is added.


public Color GetColor (int state)Gets color used in dots when dot state is set to 'index'.
public Texture2D GetGeneratedTexture ()Gets the texture containing dots of this display.
public void SetColor (int state, Color color)Sets color used in dots when dot state is set to 'index'.


public int ColorCount

Gets or sets the count of colors this display's dots can have. Default and minimum is two colors.

ValueAmount of different possible color states.

public Color OffColor

Color of single dots when it is turned to off-state (color 0). This have same effect than using SetColor(0,Color) or GetColor(0,Color) methods and is here for backward compatibility.

ValueDot color when in off-state.

public Color OnColor

Color of single dots when it is turned to on-state (color 1). This have same effect than using SetColor(1,Color) or GetColor(1,Color) methods and is here for backward compatibility.

ValueDot color when in on-state.

public Material TargetMaterial

Gets or sets the target material where texture is added. Usually set in Unity Inspector and DotMatrix will automatically set texture to this material when application starts.

ValueMaterial where to add generated texture.


public Color GetColor (int state)

Gets color used in dots when dot state is set to 'index'.

Parametersstate0 is dot 'off' state, 1 is default 'on' state, 2 and above are additional 'on' state colors.

ReturnsColor used.

public Texture2D GetGeneratedTexture ()

Gets the texture containing dots of this display. Texture will be constantly updated when dots on display changes. Note that DotMatrix object need to be initialized before calling this method, either by calling DotMatrix.Init() or by setting it to auto-initialize on start.

ReturnsTexture2D object which width and height matches dot size of DotMatrix display.

public void SetColor (int state, Color color)

Sets color used in dots when dot state is set to 'index'.

Parametersstate0 is dot 'off' state, 1 is default 'on' state, 2 and above are additional 'on' state colors.
 colorColor to use.